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Can I use SuperRecorder SDK on apps on AppStore?

Yes, but you have make the following call when you create your gesture recognizer,

[TBFSuperRecorder recordWithHighQuality:NO];

Is there a Android version of SuperRecorder SDK?

No, not yet. But we hope to release one during 2015.

What is SuperRecorder SDK?

The SuperRecorder SDK makes it possible to record your testers screen, touches, facial expressions and voice. Its a small library that you install in your unreleased app, it only takes a few minutes to get started.

What does it cost to use the SuperRecorder SDK?

It is free to use. To attract the best testers we recommend you to add a testing budget and reward your testers.

Where do I find the verification code as a tester?

Go to the Download section on the app your accepted to test.

Can I test the SDK before starting a test?

Why doesn’t my app present the latest version of Super Recorder?

Under ”Settings” inside the Super Recorder interface you can see what version you are running. If this doesn’t match your downloaded version - make sure that your ”Framework Search Paths” under ”Build Settings” is showing the correct path for your downloaded Super Recorder framework.

Is SuperRecorder 64-bit compatible?

Yes, but you have make the following call when you create your gesture recognizer, 
[TBFSuperRecorder recordWithHighQuality:NO];

What if my app uses the camera, can I still use SuperRecorder?

Yes, you can turn of the camera for SuperRecorder with the following call,

[TBFSuperRecorder recordFrontCamera:NO];

You will see your users action, but you won’t see or hear them.